I’ve ridden in a SMART before. I fit…barely…with the driver, and it did move forwards, backwards, fast enough to not get run over in town traffic, and didn’t get blown into another lane by a light breeze. What it did do in the four miles I had to ride in the car was make me ill…I’m not sure if it was a result of the mango orange on gray color scheme called “Passion” or the unbelievably horrible CVT transmission that couldn’t decide what it wanted to do. Honestly, the SMART was a crappy idea that had great intentions but a poor execution. The company would’ve done better bringing in the Roadster they sold in other countries, or by at least offering a five-speed manual.
Or maybe they could have offered an off-road package like this. If a SMART can be turned into a Ferrari-killer by swapping in a Hayabusa engine, then using that same theory, would adapting the power plant and drivetrain from a Honda FourTrax Rincon or maybe a UTV make for a neat little off-roader? Since I’m starting to look at Geo Trackers in a positive light, maybe it makes sense. In the meantime, make your call about this Monster-themed SMART while I figure out why I don’t quite hate this little jellybean. Can you picture an all-SMART racing series?
I’ve never seen a car look so embarrassed at it’s transformation that it almost screams KILL ME NOW!
Some things are just not meant to be….
BMT in a Smart car? What body part(s) did you leave outside the car?? 🙂
Arm, leg, dignity…
Didn’t SMART already say it in their commercials? “Driving a SMART car off road makes as much sense as driving your off road machine in city traffic.”
The bst off-road Smart. The turbo-diesel ForFun.