
the car junkie daily magazine.


Eagle Field Fundraiser Dinner SOLD OUT: You Can Still Help Two Ways. Check It Out!

Eagle Field Fundraiser Dinner SOLD OUT: You Can Still Help Two Ways. Check It Out!

Eagle Field rules, and Rocky Phillips is the dude behind it ruling. Not because he built the place or anything, but because he has continued to push for great heads up fun nostalgia drag racing there. And now he is spearheading efforts to raise money for repaving because without help the paving can’t happen. And if the paving doesn’t happen then the racing must stop. See? So help out by donating, or by purchasing items in the Eagle Field Speed Shop and in their Ebay Store. With both of these and the big fundraising dinner this Saturday, we’re hoping to get the funds Eagle Field needs to fix itself up and get set for another great year of racing.

Here is what Rocky had to say in the latest email blast.

This Saturday’s Fundraiser Dinner is SOLD OUT!   If you’ve made arrangements with me your tickets will be at the door.
Supporters who can’t make the Dinner can still get involved and BID on our ITEMS listed on Ebay. Remember MOST of the EBAY Items will be ending early Saturday Night! Here is the Link to our Ebay Listing…………….
The Eagle Field SPEED SHOP will REMAIN OPEN after the Fundraiser and DONATED items are welcomed and proceeds from donated parts will go toward our efforts!
A Fundraiser Race has been added on February 16th, 2013 to get us to our Repaving Costs GOAL. I have spoke to all our providers ( Insurance, Security, Sanitation ETC.) and they have all donated their services for this ONE RACE to make it more Profitable and get us OVER THE HUMP! Thank You DiBuduo and DeFendis Insurance, Bradford Security, CROWN Services and American Ambulance. So join us for a Day of Drag Racing with the Christmas Tree set up! AND ALL ARE WELCOME!
Check our eaglefield.com Website for continual updates and click on the LINK (eaglefielddrags.com Top RH Column) and see the TWIN SPIN @ Irwindale :D big grin
I want to Thank Everyone for your Support, Eagle Field has become a Popular West Coast event because of you, Grass Roots Racer’s, Friends and Fans!  Rocky

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