This Volvo Semi Tractor Burns Them Off Until They Are Actually Burning! Diesel Power For The Win!

This Volvo Semi Tractor Burns Them Off Until They Are Actually Burning! Diesel Power For The Win!

If you’re going to do something, commit fully to it. Don’t just half-ass it and call it good, go all in and do it right. If you’re going to bring your Volvo tractor to a burnout contest at Carlisle, you don’t just roll into the box, spin the tires until there’s a little smoke, and say, “done.” You run through the gears, you turn those super singles into smoking balls of hot rubber, you leave little mountains of vulcanized rubber shavings between the tire and the mudflap, and you don’t stop roasting the tires until they separate. Or until they catch fire, at which point stop the burnout, shut the truck down, climb out and bask in the glory of a job well done. Not everybody who does a burnout starts a fire, but you, good sir, did. You had the fortitude to do a job right, and that deserves recognition.

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