
the car junkie daily magazine.


Jump Video Extravaganza! Part Three: A Big Ramp, A Big Truck, and Small IQ Make For Carnage

Jump Video Extravaganza! Part Three: A Big Ramp, A Big Truck, and Small IQ Make For Carnage

Take one part falling apart early ’90s Chevy Truck, one part giant long ass ramp, one part just as big landing ramp, separate by 2.5 truck lengths, shake driver until he’s reached single digit IQ, add copious amounts of low horsepower throttle, and observe. This one just plain hurts to watch. But anyone watches will see the stupidity right from the get go.


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3 thoughts on “Jump Video Extravaganza! Part Three: A Big Ramp, A Big Truck, and Small IQ Make For Carnage

  1. ratty

    you’re being very generous with the “single digit IQ” reference… don’t forget the rest of the people there, obviously of the same IQ level, completely void of any comprehension of basic mathematics, geometry, physics, and of not to be forgotten, mechanical proficiency (the engine sounded like it was misfiring the whole way as well)… Wonder if the idiot survived, he was obviously unconscious

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