
the car junkie daily magazine.


BangShift Daily Tune Up: “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane (1967)

BangShift Daily Tune Up: “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane (1967)

White Rabbit is one of Jefferson Airplane’s most iconic songs, and is ranked as one of the top 500 rock songs of all time. Since it has Rabbit in the title, we thought it would be appropriate to kick off our Easter Rabbit VIdeo Extravaganza. Within seconds of listening to it, you are transported to a time when Jefferson Airplane was leading the charge in Psychedelic Rock in the San Francisco bay area. A time when sex, drugs, and rock and roll were king, and a little band with a chick as the lead singer made a name for themselves by marching to the beat of their own drummer.

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3 thoughts on “BangShift Daily Tune Up: “White Rabbit” by Jefferson Airplane (1967)

  1. Beagle

    A great tribute to Lewis Carrol’s adventures in psychotropic drug abuse… Eat Me , Drink Me…

    Alice clearly never got the “just say no” message. That girl will do anything!

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