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Video: Behind The Goodguys ’32 Ford Tribute Car. One ’32 Became A Logo, That Logo Became This ’32 Ford

Video: Behind The Goodguys ’32 Ford Tribute Car. One ’32 Became A Logo, That Logo Became This ’32 Ford

If you haven’t seen the Goodguys ’32 Ford Giveaway car that was built by the guys at Kindig It Design, you are missing out. The car was designed to be a tribute to Goodguys founder Gary Meador’s own ’32 Ford that became the car on the famed Goodguys Logo. But, when they built this one they didn’t want it to be a recreation of Gary’s, they wanted to create instead a rolling version of the car on the logo. Once you see it, you’ll agree that the Kindig It crew has done just that. The video takes you behind the scenes, the passion, and the hard work. Check it out below.

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1 thoughts on “Video: Behind The Goodguys ’32 Ford Tribute Car. One ’32 Became A Logo, That Logo Became This ’32 Ford

  1. Thomas Bigelow

    Great tribute. Beautiful car. Nice to see Sam Foose comment on the tribute car (Sam is married to my Cousin Terry, the Mother of Chip Foose).

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