As Brian and Chad freeze in Las Vegas and I freeze in the middle of nowhere, we all are wishing for a warmer climate. You know, like the Land Down Under. It’s warming up to summertime temperatures and just like Vegas, there’s awesome racing going on. We know that there’s plenty of power-adder pieces lining up in staging lanes, just waiting to grate the nerves of the health and safety morons who think that racing is a waste of time. Pieces like this Ford Cortina, a low-seven second four-door stomper that has no issue turning the quarter-mile into claimed territory with all of the anger of a conquering horde. Aussies, keep up the good work!
I love Australian Pro Street as the sheer variety of the cars is beyond belief and they are always immaculately turned out. I just hope that there’s a Ford motor under that hood or has the dreaded LS virus hit down under yet…
Pretty sure it’s a ProLine bullet between the strut towers Geordie.
We have LS engines, but for the moment people mostly seem to be swapping them into older-GM stuffs.
whatever the motor is it seems cool that the driver steers with only one front tpre firmly on the track
dang I meant tire stupid sausage fingers
Its Proline with some big fuckin turbo’s
Chad make me a down under infromer!
I think Bryan is gunning for that job John. He’s developing quite the obsession, not that I complain, git on down here Bryan!