If you skip past the amateur remote-controlled hobbyist and go straight into the full-on loco side of scale vehicles, you will see some awesome pieces. We’ve shown you neat things like perfectly-done scale airliners with turbines, a dump truck with a useable payload and more, but this time around we found a show in Italy that has several extremely well-detailed scale heavy-duty trucks driving around. The lights fully function. The noises are the kind of recorded exhaust notes that a lot of manufacturers now pipe into the engine bay. There’s even a Peterbilt blowing a little smoke out of the stacks, and a Volvo that can take the weight of a boy on the fifth-wheel. I have no doubt in my mind that these are expensive as hell and time-consuming to make right…and I’m also sure that if Lohnes had any time whatsoever on his plate, that he would be putting one of these together right freaking now in his cellar.