We keep saying we want to get a crap car and go out and jump it and thrash it for absolutely no reason except the fun of doing it. Well Dave and his buddies have been doing just that, and we’re jealous. In this video Dave kills a Chevy Lumina by jumping it with absolutely no hesitation. The ramp is short and steep, the car is hauling ass, the suspension has no chance of survival, the landing is going to be all wrong, and yet the crowd will go wild. Is the result worth the whiplash?
It is to us! Get it on Dave! We dig this stuff. I’m going to go look on Craigslist right now and see what I can find. Wish me luck.
CLick play to watch Dave jump a Lumina like none before or since.
Maybe next time it will nose in – go on its roof and – oops – DEAD Brilliant. I love this site but don’t think you should encourage this sort of stuff
The gene pool was almost the winner. Maybe next time Dave.
Unfortunately not enough chlorine.
I don’t get it. The Duke boys always drove away from such jumps.
They drove a MOPAR, that was a front drive Chebby!
LOL Ratpatrol66
Banjos f’n Banjos