Every once in a while we find something on Craigslist that surprises us. When doing a search for Pro Street stuff on Craigslist we found this clean old school 1961 Impala Pro Streeter and then we got to the part where it is powered by a blown 409! The pro street part, and the 1961 Impala are rare enough, but we totally figured this thing had a big block in it or something. Hell no! 409 power baby! That makes this a way cooler car in our book.
This car was clearly built a few years ago when billet wheels were the thing, but it’s got great paint and some cool parts, including Air Ride from the gang at Ridetech and a built TCI transmission backing up that 409.
It was featured in Chevy High Performance magazine back in 1996, and is as cool today as it was back then. We’d drive it in a heartbeat. Would you?
I am not typically a fan of pro street cars, but I like this one. He got the stance and power right. Very cleanly at that. I only think it needs a wheel update and a BDS scoop.
I agree that the billet wheels are kind of icky, but the rest of the car ROCKS!
this is the kind of cars that give pro street a bad name unfortunatly,
no cage/roll bar? full interior? look more like advanced-intermediate street haha
people will slap a fuel cell and fat tires on any american car and call it pro street, thats why there are so many on ebay and racing junk.
…. having said that i do love the car, but not as pro street, just as a sweet
full size chevy that i would drive EVERY day.
I love it
The blower and fat rear tires don’t make this a pro street car..It’s just a cruiser. The blower just might be fake. I’ve seen that too many times. They take the guts out for some dumbassed reason.
I’ve had to put big rear tires on a couple of my cars, but I never called them pro anything. Because they weren’t. They were just badassed cruisers.
A little over the top for my taste but still a sweet ride. It needs a five speed.
New wheels and different scoop/air cleaners….
One of the few cars ever made that looks better with a slight nose down attitude than it does level
I recall these GM cars were built on the X type frame.
They suffered from lots of twist.
I’m not so sure about the 2 bolt main 409 with a blower either
Where’s the line or gimmee the keys.
Sweet looking car, hate the wheels. I would get some steel wheels built, paint them to match the car with trim rings and smooth caps. And always a stick shift for more fun unless your racing for money.
it only needs a 4sp