When I was five, nothing made me happier than to see the red, white and blue Jeep of the mailman drive up Windsor Avenue. It meant that I could run out to the mailbox and spare the mailman the indignity of shoving letters into the box, and instead handing them off to me so that I could run inside and hand them off to my grandfather. Okay, that makes me sound more like a loyal dog than a five-year-old, and truth be told one thing did make me happier: Twinkies. I was a fat kid and running out to the mailman’s Jeep kept my gut in check. But even in 1988, the days of the AM General DJ-5 were numbered, with the then-new Grumman LLV taking over. Nothing against the LLV (which is basically a rear-drive S-10 Blazer with a weak-suck four-banger and all the styling of a dumpster) but the DJ-5 was much cooler.
The Dispatcher Jeep was built between 1955-84 and went with every company that the other Jeeps did. Originating from Willys, the DJ-5 (a two-wheel-drive CJ-5) proved popular as a mail truck, because it was small, nimble, fitted with thrifty engines, and most importantly, was right-hand drive. Over the years they were powered by a range of engines, from the Willys “Go-Devil” to the AMC inline-six. This 1983 DJ-5M was fitted with an early application of the AMC inline-4, the 2.5L unit that you can find in XJ Cherokees and Wranglers, bolted up to a Chrysler A904 automatic. Not the most powerful system put together, but these Jeeps only had to be reliable, and that combination is perfect in that regard.
But how to build one? DJs are two-wheel-drive, which doesn’t seem right for a Jeep, but does seem right for the mail Jeep. It’s a strange predicament…do you get rid of the overall vibe of a DJ, or do you forego the one thing that made Jeeps popular in the first place? My thoughts: I’d want to convert it to four-wheel-drive but not at the sake of ditching the right-hand drive. Picture a basic CJ build on 33 inch tires…that’s the extent of the major work. The enclosed back end would be the perfect storage area for camping gear and food for a weekend of trail running. Just upgrade the seats to something comfortable and go. But maybe you’ve got other ideas for a former workhorse? Let’s hear them!
What always amazes me is that sometimes the USA can still throw up quirky surprises like the fact that you have to collect your mail from a little box outside in the wind and rain whilst here in the UK we have a convenient opening in our front door called a letterbox.
As for this cute Jeep – just leave it the way it is and enjoy the hell out of it!
Well Gordie we have pretty expansive properties here in the good ole U.S.A. so sometimes you may have a long distance between homes which then makes this type of delivery necessary. I know in the U.K. you guys are pretty much on top of each other in most suburban neighborhoods.
Leav it aone. Drive around the neighborhood with a pile of papers in it, and slow have fun with the retirees.
I do not remember writing the word “slow” in that last sentence. This is what I get for typing before coffee.
Tunnel ram sbc. 4 speed, cage, keep it right hand drive. Most of these came with Dana 44 rears, so leave that alone. Have a riot at cruise night and the strip.
Lose the big mirror, drop a blown 6.1 Hemi in and go out Chevy hunting.
I was not feeling it…but then….I had a vision of a slingshot dragster but instead of an aluminum or fiberglass tub….you have the jeep sans doghouse….maybe chop and narrow it….
Hyabusa driveline, 26 psi. stock exterior. Get a set of OEM wheels and widen them in the back. Stiffen the suspension up. wear a helmet