Shelby Tanner is either tough as nails, mentally unhinged, or is royally pissed off at someone and is aiming to prove them wrong. Whatever the case, the lady rockbouncer is not scared of the long, loud pedal on the right or what might happen if held down too long while traversing what is arguably one of the more vicious hills known in the rockbouncing community: Cable Hill at Gray Rock ORV in Alabama. A channel filled with ledges situated on a steep slope, Cable Hill is not for the faint of heart: from Barbie Jeep daredevils to balls-out scramblers, the Hill is unforgiving and will kick back if a run is less than perfect in any way, shape or form. You’d think after rolling down the hill once, that Tanner would back off and maybe go make sure that everything was OK with her rig, but instead she lined up and took a second shot at the hill, and wound up going for an even harder roll down the slippery, muddy mess that Cable Hill had become. Other than some minor bruising, Tanner was shaken but otherwise uninjured from these incidents. Mad respect to the woman who has no trouble going for broke!