
the car junkie daily magazine.


Unhinged: The Keke Challenge?! Quit Dancing In The Streets, You Idiots!

Unhinged: The Keke Challenge?! Quit Dancing In The Streets, You Idiots!

The National Transportation Safety Board has actually had to issue a plea to the general public to not open the door of a moving vehicle, hop out of a moving vehicle, dance like an imbecile, and hop back in. That is a thing. It had to happen. Why? What part of society failed so hard that we actually have to tell some idiots to not jump out of a moving vehicle? How did these mouth-breathers even manage to get a driver’s license? And what has caused this stupidity in the first place?

Well, I can answer that last one easily enough: horrible pop music and meme culture, joining forces once again.


If you haven’t heard of the “In My Feelings” challenge or the “Keke” challenge, feel blessed. They are one and the same, and they have roots in the song “In My Feelings” by Drake. The challenge goes like this: During the chorus, at the lyric, “Kiki, do you love me/are you riding?”, Genetic Defect #1 opens car door, whether vehicle is moving or not, proceeds to dance, and if car is moving, attempts to hop back inside. Now, here’s how this has really played out: a guy in Florida managed to get ran over, police in Abu Dhabi are arresting social media halfwits stars for endangering the public (among other charges) and there are plenty of people biting the pavement when they don’t factor in the difference between moving car and more-or-less stationary human. 

The real danger here is facepalming. Do you know how bad it hurts when I facepalm after seeing these videos and forget that my rings hit my brow line? That shit hurts. So does asphalt when you flop out of a car door and bounce along the roadway. Do everybody a favor: stop doing these moronic-ass internet “challenges”. Unplug from social media, go walk into a forest, find the biggest tree you can find and don’t stop apologizing for wasting the oxygen it’s been providing to you until tears run down your face.

I’ll say it until I lose my voice…then I’ll write it everywhere: BETTER LICENSING REQUIREMENTS NOW.

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9 thoughts on “Unhinged: The Keke Challenge?! Quit Dancing In The Streets, You Idiots!

  1. Jonathan Freeman

    Stupid is as stupid does…

    Young people so desperate for attention they will try anything.

    New license holders so be required to visit junkyards this see crashes cars with hair and blood inside. Might wake a few up.

  2. Jonathan Freeman

    Stupid is as stupid does…

    Young people so desperate for attention they will try anything.

    New license holders should be required to visit junkyards this see crashed cars with hair and blood inside. Might wake a few up.

  3. Jonathan Freeman

    Stupid is as stupid does…

    Young people so desperate for attention they will try anything.

    New license holders should be required to visit junkyards to see crashed cars with hair and blood inside. Might wake a few up.

  4. HotRodPop

    I pray not, Jonathan! Even into the ’70’s, we had to watch those gruesome DMV movies about wrecks and carnage, and I remember them to this day, along with a particularly bloody crash I saw in front of my house at a four way intersection in rural Ohio in the late ’60’s that killed a whole family in a U-Haul van. It stays with me to this day (I turn 60 in October). Maybe Zuckerberg’s huge hit on the stock market the other day will make him re-think his guidelines for posting dumb shit! Nah… his loss was a drop in the bucket. Apparently, stupid equates to dollars in his universe. “Off the soapbox, you old fool!” OK… Later.

  5. Davey

    Borrowed this – without change – for my Hwy 207 Rant… just couldn’t improve on it… Gave proper credits

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