
the car junkie daily magazine.


Your Reminder That It’s Too Easy To Get A License: Chevrolet’s “Call Me Out” App Reminds Drivers To Leave Their Phone Alone

Your Reminder That It’s Too Easy To Get A License: Chevrolet’s “Call Me Out” App Reminds Drivers To Leave Their Phone Alone

It’s not that I really needed another reason to worry about the state of humans. I have a list that is probably as long as the track at Beech Bend, and it keeps growing every day. And I won’t get into what all is on that list…you probably can name just about everything on it, from the most horrific examples of what human beings have proven to be capable of to the guy whining at the Starbucks’ employee that his half-sweet whatever-the-hell is just a bit too sweet. Well, let’s focus on one thing that has been gnawing at my brain ever since I learned that the lady at the DMV in Colorado Springs was BS’ing her way through the scoring system just so she could look like a tough grader: it is too damned easy to get a driver’s license in this country. Way, way too easy. Can you list the things you see on a daily basis that would warrant someone taking the bus or (heaven forbid) walking somewhere?

Let’s start with the phones. There are plenty of benefits for mobile phones, smart phones, and the like, but for every positive there is a negative, and one glaring negative is distracted driving. The National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration has been thorough in programs designed to eliminate distracted driving, but now Chevrolet is trying something out: an app called “Call Me Out”. It’s simple in function: so long as the phone’s accelerometer and GPS systems detect movement over five miles an hour, the phone will respond with a message from friends or family that are pre-recorded, reminding them to PUT THE PHONE DOWN. Worse of all, there is a “scoreboard” and ranking system, as if this is a game.

This is what it comes down to, folks: making safe driving a game on a phone. I quit. Let Darwinism sort this mess out.

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3 thoughts on “Your Reminder That It’s Too Easy To Get A License: Chevrolet’s “Call Me Out” App Reminds Drivers To Leave Their Phone Alone

  1. Wolf

    The problem with letting “Darwinism sort this mess out” is that innocent people get taken out, with many of those genes potentially benefitting humanity. I think this app is a great idea.

  2. ankit saini

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