Coyote Swapped F100? Wait, You Don’t Need To Use An LS In Everything? Crazy Talk!

Coyote Swapped F100? Wait, You Don’t Need To Use An LS In Everything? Crazy Talk!

While there are plenty of people who believe that everything on earth should be LS Swapped, and we do love the hell out of them, that doesn’t mean that you can’t do something different. The Coyote Ford engine is an awesome platform for big power, but it certainly isn’t easy to fit into everything since it is so wide. What is awesome though is that they tend to fit in trucks like a champ, especially when combined with a Crown Vic front suspension swap like this F100 is getting. Emily and crew are planning to make this one cool as hell hot rod truck and this video shows the first steps to their Coyote swap. We approve of how they are doing this thing and can’t wait to see it finished and smoking tires.

The Crown Vic front suspension swap is a natural for these early for trucks and the amount of fabrication needed isn’t really that much. They bolt in, are made of aluminum, and have good brakes, steering, and track width that lends themselves to these early trucks. Drill some holes, weld some spacers, and you are good to go. Emily from Flying Sparks Garage is working this one like a mad woman and it sure looks like a fun project. Even the dogs dig it!


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1 thoughts on “Coyote Swapped F100? Wait, You Don’t Need To Use An LS In Everything? Crazy Talk!

  1. Gary

    Am I the only person who simply moves the rear spring hangers up vertically on the frame rails instead of doing a stupid flip on the rear? I know some will argue, but over axle springs are designed to work specifically with the rear beneath them. There are springs made for the rear to ride above them. There is a difference! The biggie, though, is that you don’t need to “C” notch the frame, or live with the rear bottoming on the frame rails! You can lower the begeezus out of the truck, and still have good clearance, and a factory ride.

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