I’m not familiar enough with the rockbouncing community to know the names of just about anywhere they race…except for one location. That would be Cable Hill, which is located within the confines of the Gray Rock ORV park of Alabama, a bit north of Birmingham. Visiting isn’t a requirement to understand just what this hill climb is all about…you’ve probably seen plenty of footage of it, be it bouncers scrambling up or driving an old minivan down the layers of rock and mud. Cable Hill is entrenched, sunk into the hill a few feet deep. Catwalking the rig off to the side to find a better bite of traction is not an option…either you ping-pong off of the sides and hope your teeth are still together at the end of it all, or you aim directly up and hang on for dear life. Neither way is a guarantee that you’ll make it, either. Cable Hill might seem mild to most, but the truth is that this is where parts go to die. You want to see a driveshaft snap? Want to see an engine expire after having it’s nuts revved off while stuck on a ledge? It might not deliver the high jumps of a more open course but Cable Hill is an unforgiving bit of off-roading hell and making it to the top is an achievement all by itself.