The McMillin family is no stranger to BAJA, with fathers and grandfathers and uncles all winning big south of the border over the years. But history alone doesn’t make the younger McMillins successful without hard work and dedication. With Luke, Dan, Andy, and Jessica all vying for the podium at BAJA, there is no doubt that the McMillin name is one folks are always watching. Andy is no stranger to the podium, and Dan and Luke battle it out like brothers will, while Jessica shows all the boys that she’s a chick that can drive. In this cool video from this year’s BAJA 1000 you’ll see Luke McMillin take on the terrain and all comers in pursuit of his first BAJA 1000 win, and the 13th overall victory for the McMillin family. I don’t care who you are, this looks like an absolute riot and I want to get my BAJA racing on at some point. This looks like way too much fun to miss.
This is a different kind of video from those we normally see from BAJA, as the team not only shares on the track footage, but also behind the scenes stuff from the pits that gives you a glimpse into how this team works and why they do this.
Watch and you’ll dig it.