
the car junkie daily magazine.


THEY MESSED UP! The DD Speed Shop Crew Missed Day 2 Of HOT ROD POWER TOUR! Nomad Goes Back To The Junk Yard!

THEY MESSED UP! The DD Speed Shop Crew Missed Day 2 Of HOT ROD POWER TOUR! Nomad Goes Back To The Junk Yard!

I can think of far worse reasons to blow off a day of Power Tour, than hanging out in some cool old junkyard like Dan and the DD Speed Shop crew did on Day 2 of Power Tour. I mean you never know what you might find and what you might have to take home. Watch the video, laugh, and tell us which one of these junkyard beauties you’d take home.

Video Description:

Day 2 of Power Tour is in the books! The drive ended up being about 400 miles through the back roads of Georgia and South Carolina.

Stopping in small towns and seeing all the locals give thumbs up with a smile as you drive by. Not a bad way to spend a Tuesday.

We did get a little off track….. stopping at a sweet old junk yard along the way. We where a little late to the venue but WE’RE GOING TO BE ON TIME TODAY! probably……

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