
the car junkie daily magazine.


Bonneville Speed Week 2018 Is The Fastest In History And We’ve Got More Photos!

Bonneville Speed Week 2018 Is The Fastest In History And We’ve Got More Photos!

(Photos by Chad Reynolds) With 5 streamliners reaching speeds of more than 400 mph, this is officially the fastest Speed Week in history and we’re so glad to have been a part of it. The horsepower needed to make runs at these speeds has been around, but the salt conditions that made it possible this week were stellar to say the least. Laying down black tracks on the salt means it is in epic shape and is a great sign for the health of the Bonneville Salt Flats. We’ve been struggling with salt conditions for the past few years and hope that this is a sign of things to come. Nothing can prepare you for watching a car go by you at 400 plus mph. It is something you have to see to believe.

But the guys going 400 mph are just a fraction of the killer rides at Bonneville that are going anywhere from 30 mph, yes 30, on up to that magical 400 mph mark. The number of cars in the upper 100s and 200s, and the variety of cars doing it, is one of our favorites. Of course there are comp coupes and lakesters going in the 300s as well, but when a door car goes 300, that is pretty special and unusual. There is a lot to see and do at Bonneville and it makes for a magical place you will never forget.



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