
the car junkie daily magazine.


More FM3 Road Trip Photo Coverage Is Coming Your Way!

More FM3 Road Trip Photo Coverage Is Coming Your Way!

(Photos by Cole Reynolds) The FM3 RoadTrip: Cars and Cones is a really bitchin event and we’re so thrilled to have been a part of it again this year. We’re lucky as hell to have driven Ridetech’s original 48-Hour Camaro, aka the yellow car, while Bret Voelkel drove the Ridetech 48-Hour 2nd Gen Camaro, aka the orange car. It started off with rain, but this is such an awesome event that even the rain can’t dampen our spirits.  Day 1 consisted of a road trip from Ridetech in Jasper Indiana, where the huge kickoff party happened the night before. The food was awesome, the cars were awesome, and the crowd was fully entertained by our pal James Otto who is putting on a show virtually every night of this trip. The day 1 road trip consisted of awesome roads along the river on our way to Dayton Ohio for a shop tour at Forgeline and then an amazingly awesome hosted party at the Taj MaGarage in Dayton where Forgeline hosted and provided amazingly yummy barbecue and great company.

We had a great time at both of our first dinners and on the road, even though it was mighty wet. But the scenery was still cool, the company was great, and we’re looking forward to more and more days of fun. Monday’s track was Kil-Kare Speedway who gave us a great location for autocross. Tuesday we start off at Kil-Kare again and then find ourselves driving to Lexington Kentucky for dinner and a charity auction.

Remember, this entire event is about fun and raising money for someone in our industry in need. Last year our family were the recipients of amazing support, and this year it is our good friend and fellow racer Aaron Oberle who has a rare form of Leukemia and is fighting the good fight. He’s got a wife and kids and medical bills that nobody is every really prepared for and we’re all going to have a great time in his name and raise some money at the same time. Keep up the fight brother!


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