
the car junkie daily magazine.


Small Town Americana Car Show Photos: We Visit A Great Car Show In The Small Town Of Hastings Nebraska.

Small Town Americana Car Show Photos: We Visit A Great Car Show In The Small Town Of Hastings Nebraska.
(Words and Photos by Scott Liggett) What’s more American in small towns than having a car show? This country was built on autos and roads. Generations of kids sought out cars and driving as a way to spread their wings, socialize, and find love. This happened in towns big and small across America. During the summer months, car shows are happening across this country.
The Melon Roasters Car Club of Hastings, NE throw this car show held in the beautiful setting of Brickyard Park. The former location of 27 acre brick and tile manufacturer. With Covid causing the show to be cancelled, people were chomping at the bit to get out and have fun in their cars and trucks, and the car club got a great turn out of over 250 cars. The Roasters know how to put on a great show with food vendors, wonderful atmosphere, and even free water melon. Heck, they are the Melon Roasters.
What was most surprising to your author when I moved to Central Nebraska from Los Angeles was the incredible amount of quality and high end classic cars. We are hoping to make a few more of these shows before the year is over. Check out the photos.
Scott Liggett

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3 thoughts on “Small Town Americana Car Show Photos: We Visit A Great Car Show In The Small Town Of Hastings Nebraska.

  1. Fishbone

    Small town , huge annual show. Come to Muskegon, MI Labor day Cars for Cancer show. Hundreds of cars from region and over the years couple hundred thousand donated to cancer research and treatment. Check out the website!!!

  2. Piston Pete

    Great shots of great cars, but my oh my, that black Chevelle.
    James Dean Days are coming up in Fairmount and Gas City, Indiana, thousands of cars in the parks and all over town.

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