How much more can I wax poetic about Woodward? I’m running out of things to say about what you experience there. It’s not that there isn’t that much to experience…far from it, the whole week is sensory overload. But until you are actually in a car, driving down the road, sharing a traffic jam with poster-car material while sidewalks teeming with spectators wave, cheer you on and yell out things like “Light ’em up!”, there is only so much that you can grasp just from the pictures. And this isn’t just another car show to the people who are either spectating, showing or driving…this is something else entirely. This is home. Telegraph Road, Woodward Avenue…these were testing grounds, automotive equivalents of boxing rings. This is where big names, savvy tuners, and clandestine factory engineers came out and did battle. Detroit is Motor City, no doubt. Drive around and you are likely to spot a heavily camouflaged vehicle wearing manufacturer plates, or a storage lot for a major manufacturer with heavy security present. This is the city the automobile hath made, and nobody has forgotten that past just yet.