America’s Most Beautiful Roadster Contender: .36 Special 1936 Ford Roadster

America’s Most Beautiful Roadster Contender: .36 Special 1936 Ford Roadster

Chris and Robyn Parmalee are the owners of the .36 Special roadster, and Chris is the one who built and painted it. This year’s field of America’s Most Beautiful Roadster contenders feature a lot of builder/owners and we love that. We also like seeing a full fendered roadster or two in the competition every year as sometimes folks can be a bit hesitant to take that plunge. Plenty of full fendered cars have won the AMBR, but fenders vs no fenders is still one of the most controversial topics at the Grand National Roadster Show.

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2 thoughts on “America’s Most Beautiful Roadster Contender: .36 Special 1936 Ford Roadster

  1. Donny Chops

    This car might win , but even this one doesn’t have the ” It factor ” what ever that is . You know it when you see it . You can’t explain it but these DO NOT have ” IT ” . These are just cookie cutter cars . Seen one , you have seen them all .

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