More Pit Shots From Street Car Super Nationals: Engines, Carnage, Parts

More Pit Shots From Street Car Super Nationals: Engines, Carnage, Parts

One of the best things about drag racing is the fact that fans can walk through the pits and see all the action that goes on between rounds on the drag strip. They can check out parts, see what the cars look like up close and personal, and sometimes see a really good thrash. You don’t get that with Saturday night circle track racing, or circle track racing in general actually, and it is one of those things that makes drag racing cool. So since you aren’t AT the Street Car Super Nationals, and are instead sitting at home watching on, we figured we would bring you some pit photos to make you feel like you are right there with us!


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1 thoughts on “More Pit Shots From Street Car Super Nationals: Engines, Carnage, Parts

  1. tw

    Totally agree , when at races , i spend more time in the pits than sitting in the stands , it`s a a mechanical thing .

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