Congratulations: Ashley Force Hood Has Her New Baby! Will She Return To Racing?

Congratulations: Ashley Force Hood Has Her New Baby! Will She Return To Racing?

Yesterday at 4:28am Ashley Force and Danny Hood had their second child, Noah William Hood who spec’d out at 7lbs 8 oz, and 21 inches long. We have only one photo to share, so we can’t actually confirm whether or not he was born with a butterfly steering wheel in his hand. If he really is a Force, then we’ll assume that he was, even if just in spirit. Congratulations to Ashley and Danny, and the entire Force and Hood families.

As you know, we here at were not shy about saying that Ashley would not be driving for long, after the announcement of her planned marriage to Danny Hood, and in short order following the wedding it was announced that she would be taking a break from driving duties to have their first child Jacob John Hood. Since having Jacob in August of 2011 there has been much speculation as to whether Ashley would get back behind the wheel of a Funny Car, but when it was announced that she and Hood were expecting their second child late in 2012, everyone knew it would be a while again.

This January Ashley was named President of John Force Entertainment, but did NOT say she wouldn’t be back behind the wheel of a fuel car at some point. Given sister Courtney’s amazing success in the Funny Car since taking over driving duties, and brother in-law Robert Height’s Championship winning seasons, along with her Dad John’s addiction to driving one of these bastards, we aren’t sure she will be behind the wheel of a Funny Car anytime soon. It would seem to us that she would likely drive a Top Fuel Dragster like sister Brittany is in now.

But who knows? Will John retire and hand the reigns over to Ashley at some point? Will she decide she doesn’t want to drive again? What do you think.

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10 thoughts on “Congratulations: Ashley Force Hood Has Her New Baby! Will She Return To Racing?

  1. DALE

    I don’t think she’ll drive again. She never showed the drive that her dad and Courtney does. Courtney is a chip off the ol’block.

  2. GuitarSlinger

    So since when did Bangshift morph into MaternityWardNews Central ? e.g. Does anyone here really care if a Force family member or anyone else for that matter’s brought another mouth to feed into this World ? I sure as heck don’t …. 😉

    As far as Ashley driving again or not . Again ….. who really cares and what effect would that have on the sport either way ? Answer ( in 2 parts ) Most likely No One ….. and Not one little minor iota . Sad fact is the sport of drag racing is on a rapid downturn worldwide …. so one more … or one less driver from the Force family tree isn’t going to help matters one solitary little bit .

  3. Penny Fort

    Guitar slinger: I don’t think anyone twisted your arm and made you read this article! If you don’t have anything nice to say, then keep your trap shut!!

  4. Lisa Gibb

    Guitar slinger – If you are so turned off by drag racing, then why do you spend so much time writing negative comments about it? For those of us who truly love the sport, do us all a favor and walk on by – no one is forcing you to neither watch nor read the nhra news feed.

  5. Lisa Gibb

    Guitar slinger-It is obvious that you neither understand nor appreciate drag racing for what it is! Do those of us who do a favor and go play with your Legos or whatever it is that brings you pleasure(I have nothing against Legos by the way!)

  6. Colorado VET

    I care. If you’re so worried about another mouth to feed, go shoot yourself. That’ll even things up.

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