Facebook Find: This 1980 Z28 Camaro Is Throwback Greatness I Would Drive Like A Boss

Facebook Find: This 1980 Z28 Camaro Is Throwback Greatness I Would Drive Like A Boss

This 1980 Z28 is pure awesomeness. I didn’t know I wanted one with sidepipes on it until I saw this but man do I ever! If I bought this thing I’d put the trim back on the nose, reinstall the lights, and then find a set of stock seats and a better steering wheel for it. The small block would get just enough love to sound awesome and then I’d swap a TKX 5-speed in it from American Powertrain. I mean seriously, this thing would get all the chicks. Or at least all of them that remember the 1980s. LOL

This thing isn’t perfect, but the patina is pretty good and the stance is right. I dig the Torque Thrusts, but there is also a part of me that thinks this thing would be extra right if it had a set of Cragars on it. The whole car basically needs some love, but to me it looks like a weekend with a couple friends and this thing would be a fun driver. What do you think?


The seller says it runs and drives but isn’t road-trip ready. I have a feeling it’s Chad road trip worthy, so if one of you buys it and pays for the gas and whatever parts are actually needed, I’ll drive it to you and document the whole adventure right here on BANGshift!


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3 thoughts on “Facebook Find: This 1980 Z28 Camaro Is Throwback Greatness I Would Drive Like A Boss

  1. Loren

    Yep and ditch the non-era-correct wheels, in 1980 the only place you could find Torque-Thrusts was junkyards or where people were pulling them off older cars for Centerlines. Year One 17″ versions of either style original-type wheels would look good there.

    That GM had continued on with any kind of version of 2nd-gen F-bodies when Mopar E’s and musclecar Mustangs were so long gone was a remarkable thing at the time and it seemed like they were selling all they could make. They are not for me but I do love that people have saved them.

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