Would This AMC Eagle Make The Ultimate AWD Street Sleeper?

Would This AMC Eagle Make The Ultimate AWD Street Sleeper?

Since we were on a sleeper kick yesterday we decided to see what we could find in our area that would make a good one. Well, here in Southern California we have the advantage of great weather so nothing rusts away. That means that there are some weird 1980’s machines the rest of the country hasn’t seen since the lat 1990’s and we’ve still got them sitting around. One such machine is this 1985 AMC Eagle AWD station wagon. It’s powered by a 4.2L which doesn’t do a damn thing for me, but I could make it fun to start with. I’m sure some spray and/or boost will perk it up a little. I’m really sure that swapping that turd out for something that makes real steam would be even better! Imagine how bad ass this thing would be in comparison to the Jeep Cherokee sleeper we talked about a couple weeks ago. Chicks will totally dig you in the Eagle.

And it would be fun to give it to some of the other AWD platforms. Like the GTR and EVO/Subaru guys. No offense, their cars are cool, but I want something American. How about we build the baddest AMC Eagle ever? What could possibly go wrong?

Check this one out. It’s super clean. And pretty cheap!

1985 AMC Eagle AWD Wagon 2

Here is what the seller provided.

Always garaged.

Custom wheels.

Ice cold A/C.

Looks & runs great.

Low mileage.

Power everything.

Runs & drives great.

Very clean interior.

Well maintained.

Call Now or Text: (909) 644-6220 / (909) 286-8000

1985 AMC Eagle AWD Wagon 7 1985 AMC Eagle AWD Wagon 6 1985 AMC Eagle AWD Wagon 5 1985 AMC Eagle AWD Wagon 4 1985 AMC Eagle AWD Wagon 3

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