The AACA Swap Meets at Hershey are nuts. I’ve never been, but want to, and every time someone sends us video or photos from this place we about lose our minds. On multiple occasions, our friend and regular contributor Joe Grippo has told us that their car corral is insane. So whent he Iron Trap Garage crew made the same claim, I had to believe them. In this video here they are going to walk the car corral at Hershey and highlight some of their favorite examples of good early iron. And if you are anything like me, you are going to look at most of these and immediately think about what you would do with them if you had the time, money, and space.
I love walking the car corral at shows and swap meets. Hell, I’ve probably bought 65% of the parts I’ve ever used to build a car, at the swap meet or auction. You can find great deals and save old parts, just like you can if you go to the car corral and find your next project! Check out the video below and let us know what you think.