This Event Simulates STREET RACING but You can’t get Arrested! Powercruise Delivers Like No Other Event We’ve Seen

This Event Simulates STREET RACING but You can’t get Arrested! Powercruise Delivers Like No Other Event We’ve Seen

Roll racing has become popular at events like TX2K, but there are still folks who think organized roll racing isn’t the same as the streets, where it got its start. Back in the day, TX2K in Houston had insane roll racing action on the highway after the race each night. As cool as roll racing is, it’s hard to find good places to do it on the streets that don’t get sketchy in a hurry. So when Powercruise decided it was going to take advantage of the road course they have on hand at Brainerd International Raceway. This event has something for everyone, with drag racing, roll racing, burnouts, drifting and so much more.

But if you want a truly unique roll racing experience, that you’ll not find at any other events, check out the roll racing at Powercruise USA.

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Want to do highway roll racing with your buddies but don’t want to get arrested? This is the event for you! Powercruise does a really good job of giving participants a chance to scratch the “highway style” street racing itch, by letting racers pick their opponents while driving around the road course, then roll racing on the straight away sections! Genius!

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