Check Out Our Photos From The Street Machine Inventory Intervention Show!

Check Out Our Photos From The Street Machine Inventory Intervention Show!

(Words and Photos by Mike Brooks) We all see the signs of this time of year, brisk mornings, crisp air, football season in full swing, we can no longer wear white since it’s after labor day, etc etc. Yes, summer is coming to a close and autumn will arrive shortly. Bummer. But, summer doesn’t officially end in Ohio without one of the biggest bashes of the year. The 4th annual Street Machinery “Inventory Intervention” has always been an open house, car show with plenty of rides on display and some even for sale. This year featured a twist. Amongst several cars and trucks in the collection, over 50 of them were up for bid at no reserve. From finished restored classics, to parts cars and project vehicles, and everything in between. Bidders had plenty to choose from and many got deals of a lifetime. Auctioneers worked the huge crowd until every last car & truck up for bid had a new owner. The place was crawling with people from all over the country! As usual the shop was open to the public and visitors could tour the facility and see the high caliber work that gets done on a daily basis. The Euclid, OH based shop churns out some of the coolest cars and trucks in the nation and the quality is top notch. Whether it’s a simple brake/suspension upgrade, modern driveline swap, to full restos, Boris and the crew can do it all. Don’t have a project?, no worries, there is a constant revolving inventory of iron on the “Patina Plantation”. There is always the perfect car or truck for you to buy as-is, or have built for you. They stock and sell a multitude of parts for d.i.y. guys as well.”

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