If you aren’t familiar with a cash days race, it is an example of street racers being drag racers for a minute and putting on a race that actually has eliminations rounds and such. You know, like a real drag race at the track. I happen to think they are super fun because there are a couple formats for pairing cars up in each round and that makes it interesting. Sure you can ladder them up like normal, but there are much more fun ways to do it, like card or chip draws. My favorite is cards, where everyone draws a card and like cards race each other. This drawing of cards happen each round so that you never know who you are going to run until it is time to actually race. This makes it fun for the folks standing around too because bit matchups and strange ones might happen in the first round or a middle round as opposed to the final between the big dogs or something. It is just a way to mix it up and make it a bit more fun. We dig it.
Watch the video.
The “card deal ” sounds like a great idea.And I see that all over the country this type of “street racing” is becoming very popular.And I am a huge drag racing fan. But lets get real about street racing. Look on U -Tube at some of these races. Its going to happen .Someone will get hurt . And then here comes the hobby haters. If and when someone gets hurt .The politicians will go ape shit make it punishable by hanging if you get caught street racing .And it will give those types fuel for outlawing more of our hobbys.The old saying here applies .watch what ya wish for. I ,myself think the “no prep ” races are the thing to promote. It may be a lot of fun racing on the street,but its not just your street.And the law man is there also . That’s just my opinion