Riding With Alex Taylor… Rocky Mountain Race Week Part Two!

Riding With Alex Taylor… Rocky Mountain Race Week Part Two!

Alex Taylor’s new series Riding With Alex Taylor is just the kind of thing we like to see from her. This chick is cool as hell for a lot of reasons, but seeing her tuning, driving, laughing, and cruising the Badmaro makes you realize that she’s out here for the fun of it more than anything else. We’ve had the privilege of traveling cross country with the Taylors a few times and can tell you that the whole family is a riot to be around. There is no shortage of fun, that is for sure.

Here’s what Alex had to say, and Part 2 of the Rocky Mountain Race Week edition of Riding with Alex Taylor: CLICK HERE IF YOU MISSED PART 1 

If you enjoyed all the action from Rocky Mountain Race Week Part 1, you’ll love this too! Follow along as mom and I finish up the week in Badmaro as we travel from Ozark Raceway Park, to Noble, OK, back to Great Bend, KS! We may have ran into some rain, but that didn’t slow us down, well maybe a little because radial tires+rain= no fun! But, anyways, we made it!

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