Street Car Takeover Near Miss: The Driver Of The Mustang Is Cleaning His Shorts!

Street Car Takeover Near Miss: The Driver Of The Mustang Is Cleaning His Shorts!

Watch as the driver of a 2015 Mustang nearly crashes and takes out both sides of the car! On car camera footage from the Firebird in the right lane caught it all. It’s a good thing the Firebird driver had issues on the starting line or this one would have been ugly ugly ugly. Check it out below, the pucker factor is high!

We’re pretty sure the driver of the Mustang is cleaning his shorts.

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One thought on “Street Car Takeover Near Miss: The Driver Of The Mustang Is Cleaning His Shorts!

  1. Wes

    Hey, look. A street-car event that didn’t involve 250 people hanging out from the water box all the way up to the 60′ cone!

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