I’m a ’69 Camaro owner and love them, so seeing a good one running down the race track really does it for me. Tim Slavens’ Camaro also happens to be the fastest of it’s kind anywhere which makes this beautiful machine even more bad ass. Running in the 3.60’s at well over 210 mph has made this thing sick as hell, but when he went out and ran 3.62 twice, at 217 mph, the radial racing community collectively gasped in awe. Radial racing fans were on their feet and loving it, as was Tim’s team, family, and friends. Their competitors however followed their gasps and impressed reactions to this amazing performance with shaking heads and the occasional “ugh”. We can understand why.
Seeing this beast hauling ass is kind of crazy as it just doesn’t seem to work that hard at it. It is always amazing how smoothly a really fast drag car goes down the track. Man this one is fun to watch. Below is video of a few really great runs leading up to the record. Enjoy.
1/8 th isn’t drag racing