Classic YouTube: What Might Be The Nastiest Cadillac Seville Out There

Classic YouTube: What Might Be The Nastiest Cadillac Seville Out There

By the mid 1970s, it was becoming clear that “longer, lower and wider” wasn’t working anymore. GM got wise and started designing small cars while Ford buried it’s head in the sand and Chrysler…well, that scene was just tragic. While the B-body cars are often credited as the first downsized cars, the first fruits of the “think smaller” approach came in the form of the Cadillac Seville. Now, to be accurate, the Seville is not a tarted-up X-body. It uses X-car components, especially Nova 9C1 suspension bits, but the Seville is technically a K-body.

Useless trivia aside, what you need to know is that if you haunt anywhere near Milan Dragway and you come across a healthy-sounding Seville, you probably shouldn’t attempt something stupid like challenging it. We don’t know who owns it or what this thing actually runs, but you can gleam as easily as we can just how stout this sucker is. There’s nothing to it…the driver rolls up, hits the tree and is gone, leaving the hopeful challenger in it’s wake. Or the Oldsmobile who got a 20 car lead and the hit…it didn’t fare too well, either!

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2 thoughts on “Classic YouTube: What Might Be The Nastiest Cadillac Seville Out There

  1. Greg

    They must have just painted the stands, as no one was sitting in them. And how many guys did it take to stage the Olds?


    How is this a drag race?

    At least they weren\’t Donkin\’.

    20-car head start means that he was already across the line and outside in the parking lot before the \”race\” even started.

    Next time,go No-Prep with a two -day head start.
    See you in St.Louie!

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