Selling a Ford Mustang as a sleeper is a tall order. It doesn’t matter what year you have…you could have a notchback Mustang II with crap paint, but if there’s even a hint of V8 noise coming out of the pipes you are under suspicion. You are certainly under the gun if you’re running a Fox Mustang that looks like it’s set up for bracket racing and has a camshaft that even the mufflers can’t hide. The way to do it is by looking tamer than you are, and Randy Jackson showed everybody watching Pass Time how to string up a full rack of suckers in one shot. The first look at his ’88 Mustang GT doesn’t give away much. It looks like a warmed-over stocker that was built on a budget. Crown Victoria steel wheels up front, five-spokers out back, and a primered nose cone don’t look out of place at any test-and-tune night. As he breaks down his combination, you can tell that he’s trying to keep it together. He breaks a smile, but plays it off on a “big cam” and a dry nitrous kit, nothing out of the normal for a Mustang. All three players put the car firmly in the twelves, which sounds right for such a car.
Then he starts it, with the bypasses open. And once the tree comes down, the circus is over and the real show begins. How far off of the mark were the players? Click play below…
Editor’s Note: This was left on the original posting when I ran this in 2015. Just in case you wanted some insight on the fun…
I was a big fan of Passtime, this was probably my favorite, ROFL!
Ditto. This one, and any time a Super Stock or Stock Eliminator car went 2-3 seconds quicker than the panel expected.
Nice to see the post by the car owner. I remember this episode and fun vividly and always wondered what the guy really had under the hood. The TV shot of the engine compartment went by so quickly I totally missed the extra solenoids and fuel pressure regulators in front of the engine. I was duped like a lot of others. I cracked up when Ken suggested they were going to use the free T shirts as toilet paper.
Paige is the cutest….