With big money bracket racing going bigger and bigger each year, it’s about time the Jr. Dragster races start stepping up as well. This race here, in it’s first year, has $5,000 up for grabs Friday and Sunday and then $20,000 Saturday! That’s good money for adults, let alone the kids! I hope they negotiated their winnings deal with Mom and Dad right!
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With all of the big car races running in December, it only makes sense to do one for the up and coming stars of drag racing! Enter King of the Coast series creator Gaylon Rolison. The inaugural event will feature 2 $5,000 to win races on Friday and Sunday with a $20,000 to win big event on Saturday. That wasn’t enough for Gaylon and his crew. To make a great event even bigger and better, he’s added a 64 car invitational only $10,000 to win, winner take all, shootout!