The leaves are tinging, and soon they will be falling. The morning dew on the windshield is starting to frost up. Normally, this time of year is where the racing and the car shows end and we settle down for a week or so before we spool up for SEMA coverage, then the PRI show shortly thereafter before we get in our holiday vacation and prepare for the next year. Obviously, this year is unlike anything BangShift has seen in it’s entire tenure. Could you have predicted what 2020 would have brought? Shows suspended, races cancelled, crowds limited or all-out banned, wearing masks everywhere you go like you’re half a second away from knocking over the nearest gas station. Strange days, these. That’s why seeing everybody take part in LS Fest East, MoParty and the Intergalactic Ford Festival this year is our clue that things, no matter how messed up they are, will be just fine. The cars came out regardless of the weather. The fans were still in the stands…maybe not in the swelling crowds that we’re used to from events in the past, but they were there, roaming through the midways, meeting up with racers and those whose names are well-known, and living it up in the tire smoke and the sounds of horsepower coming from every corner of the Beech Bend property.
With the big conventions both cancelled this year, the rest of 2020 seems…well, kind of empty. No Las Vegas? No Indy? No twenty thousand steps a day putting the camera to good use? Don’t let that worry you none. We’ve just got time to find other avenues for content, that’s all. So settle in for one last look from Ford Fest, and settle into autumn. We’ve got you covered.