The forecast for the weekend of the Holley LS Fest was simple: doom and gloom, with a chance of flooding. If you trusted the weather reports as they came in, LS Fest was going to be a no-go the entire weekend, with torrential rain putting the kibosh on just about everything there was to offer. But here’s the weird thing about the weather at Beech Bend: it doesn’t follow directions well from meteorologists. Sometimes it’s supposed to be a minor chance of showers and we wind up swimming in the oval track, and when it’s supposed to pour some kind of force field appears and while everything else around the track gets soaked, nothing happens over the racing surface. But to go from a Noah’s Ark forecast to sunny, warm, and as hospitable as Beech Bend can be in early September heat shocked just about everybody. Not that anyone was complaining any…everybody came to town to party, and party they did. The attendance numbers for Friday were good, but would we see better numbers on Saturday? We sure hoped so, just as much as we hoped that once again, the weather guy was wrong for the forecast!
If you missed our last gallery from LS Fest, you can CLICK HERE to check it out!