With Money On The Line, Both Of These Evos Stall Out On Green!

With Money On The Line, Both Of These Evos Stall Out On Green!

Two thousand-horsepower cars, lined up at Lucas Oil Raceway in Indiana. A thousand bucks on the line, paid to the winner. Both of these Mitsubishi Evolutions are pure badasses, with four-wheel-drive intact and turbochargers cramming the four-cylinders for all they can take. This should’ve been a wicked run, and it was…just not in the way either driver wanted it. As soon as the green light drops, the left lane bogs down hard enough that forward motion is minimized and the right lane straight-up dies. If only someone had put a live microphone in the cars…if you think listening to uncensored NASCAR chatter is colorful, you can only imagine what was being said at that moment in either car!

The money is paid to the winner, whether they fire off their cars or they get out and go for a quarter-mile sprint to the finish line. While we would love to see a one-on-one footrace to the end of the track, you’d better believe that no team or driver wanted that. Who fires off first, and who crosses the line? Hit play below and watch the ending for yourself.

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One thought on “With Money On The Line, Both Of These Evos Stall Out On Green!

  1. Greg Rourke

    I’m going to build a drag strip for grudge racing only. I’ll save a bunch of money by not having to build any grandstands. Everyone stands on the starting line anyway.

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