Old School Cool: The Victory Nostalgia Super Stock Gallery From Anarchy At The Arch IV!

Old School Cool: The Victory Nostalgia Super Stock Gallery From Anarchy At The Arch IV!

Anarchy At The Arch IV brought a wide field of cars to Gateway Motorsports Park’s starting line. On one hand, you had street cars that would drive out for food in between rounds…mostly full weight, interior, and all of the bits. On the other hand, you had the Pro Mods and the radial cars that were just as fast, ripping off unreal laps with almost mythical acceleration rates. With lightweight bodies, suspension tech that doesn’t just defy physics but instead mocks them, they make for great watching.

But some pine for the good old days of lightweight factory bodies and blunt force trauma horsepower levels, and for them, there is Nostalgia Super Stock. It’s a vehicle-limited class that brings the mid-1960s back to life properly. Filled with 409-powered Chevrolets, 427-powered Fords and more Hemi Mopars than you could possibly handle in a round of racing, it’s wheels-up action (guaranteed if Doug Duell wheels in the candy-striped 1964 Plymouth Fury wagon) and it’s from the land that never had to deal with two-steps and turbocharging. Just slam your foot on the throttle and hang the eff on! Click on a photo below to check out some of the more vintage rides that were ripping off times in Saint Louis:

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