In the confines of BangShift Mid-West, my wife and I have peace: she does laundry, I do dishes. She keeps the house picked up, I mow that jungle of a yard every now and then. Life is good. She works in town, I work at home. But every now and then we find ourselves driving back from Bowling Green together and…well…sometimes that premium parking space in front of Casa de McTaggart gets contested. There’s no lying about that. Invariably, she wins, because she’s the one who leaves more often than I do and that spot lets her get out of the driveway without having to play automotive Tetris every day. But think about it…if you had the chance, would you play Put Up or Shut Up with your significant other? And would you go all out and try to win it, or would you realize that there is more to life than winning and decide to sandbag a little?
That wicked GTX you are looking at belongs to Joe Zolper, and he’s gearing up to take on his wife Jenny and her 512ci Duster at the Car Chix Battle of the Sexes at Great Lakes Dragway on June 23rd, 2018. Mr. Zolper is part of “Garage Squad” and Mrs. Zolper is part of Car Chix. I don’t think anybody is going to pull any punches when this show goes down…
There’s only one bathroom in the apartment, so yeah, every morning is a race to the holeshot!
We did both enter a couple 5K foot races together – she won those hands down.
Last time I raced my wife she got pulled over by Texas State Police for doing 120 in a 75. She takes it racing me way more serious than I do
Even if she beats me at the track, I always finish first in the bedroom!
Yeah, but only once…