Ratty Muscle Cars presents Mopar Vs. Brand X 2020: Welcome To A Day Full Of Surprises

Ratty Muscle Cars presents Mopar Vs. Brand X 2020: Welcome To A Day Full Of Surprises

Everything that occurred this past weekend in Alabama should not have happened. T-shirt weather with sunny skies is something that does not happen this late in the year. Postcard-worthy drives in colorful forests with dry leaves blowing in the wake of every car that tears around the next sweeping bend should have faded to soggy predictions of what winter is about to unleash. Golden rays of light streaming through the newly-barren trees in the distance should mean that it’s time to light fires, or hide in cars with the heater on, or to grab the hats and gloves. And let’s not get into the whole argument about people getting together in groups this year, alright? We’ve had months of that shit. If anything, we all needed this weekend…and somehow, we got it.

The second annual Mopar vs. Brand X race was originally supposed to have happened earlier in the year…but thanks to Hurricane Delta, the date got shoved and by some sheer miracle, it worked out in the end, as we all celebrated a gathering of knock-around, driver-quality machines that wore their age proudly. Austin Griggs has been the Pied Piper of this motley gathering for years now and even after years of it, still seems surprised that people bring their machines out to be seen, to be raced, and to be driven. We don’t know why, the appeal of tire smoke after a nice cruise through the countryside works well for just about any other event, so why not here?

The part that really seems to surprise is just how well the RMC family has bonded in just a few short years. This isn’t some gathering of randoms and buddies, this is a get-together of many who can appreciate the rough-and-tumble nature of the cars that we all love. Scared to show up? Nope. We’ve seen pretty much every last one of these cars in the misting, cold rain. This weekend was a time to shine.

Click on a photo below to check out more coverage from Mopar vs. Brand X!

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