Running With The Big Boys: This Nasty All-Wheel-Drive DSM Comes Out Swinging!

Running With The Big Boys: This Nasty All-Wheel-Drive DSM Comes Out Swinging!

Seeing a hopped up Mitsubishi Eclipse/Eagle Talon/Plymouth Laser usually elicits snickering and snide comments about “danger to manifold” and breaking welds and other snipes that come straight from watching the first Fast and Furious movie. And those comments continue right up until the right combination, usually turbocharged to the moon, all-wheel-drive, and supremely pissed off, comes along and proceeds to shut up every last mouth. The 4G63 in this DSM is pushing 800 horsepower, and it’s one mean mother. That’s nothing to sneeze at normally, but when it’s in the staging lanes at Outlaw Armageddon in Oklahoma against competition like the “Black Betty” Mercury Zephyr and “The Mutt” Ford pickup, the stakes tend to be quite a bit higher. These aren’t the easy-prey test and tune junkies that are the normal suckers…these are some of the baddest door cars out there at the moment. Watch as the automotive David goes toe-to-toe with a whole slew of Goliaths on the strip!

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