Street Car Super Nationals 14: More Pit-Walk Photos From The Strip at Las Vegas!

Street Car Super Nationals 14: More Pit-Walk Photos From The Strip at Las Vegas!

Sometimes you need a break from the action, or need to go stretch your legs as a photographer. That’s where walking the pits comes into play. There is just as much drama, if not more, going on behind the scenes at each trailer as wrenches are being spun, engines are being checked and carnage is being fixed up in the hopes of making the next round. At Street Car Super Nationals 14, that’s a large bit of walking around because the pit area and staging lanes at The Strip at Las Vegas Motor Speedway is one of the biggest parcels of parking for trailers and stackers. If Cole Reynolds’ smartphone has a pedometer tracker, you can bet the programming is wondering just who exactly has the phone because he’s walking some serious distance to get these shots!

If you’re reading this right now and you don’t have the LIVE FEED up, then you need to click the link and make that happen! We are deep in elimination rounds right now!

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