With the sale of Houston Raceway Park two years ago, TX2K was in need of a new home and with only one really big world class drag racing facility left, that meant that TX2K had to move to the Texas Motorplex in Ennis. This is the second year at the Motorplex, and it is carrying on the tradition that was started in Houston. This year’s action was hot and heavy, that is for sure!
This track was the first all concrete dragstrip in the world, and also the first to see a 300 mph pass, and we’re sure it will see more new records during TX2K as well. The boys at 1320Video have some great video coming and are saying they have been seeing some of the best cars they have ever seen attend TX2K.
Here’s the Day 2 video to enjoy, and it’s as full of drama as Day 1 was!
Video Description:
Day 2 of TX2K25 was full of surprises – we had George in his T1 GTR reset his own world record, pushing the R35 GTR platform further than anybody has done before. Only to end with an INVISIBLE fire inside his car.. methanol is no joke. We also had a random plane do an unexpected “Tower Buzz” down the drag strip – that was not apart of the show folks! Tune in to see what else went down on day 2.