The couple parts are an engine and transmission, but that’s easy! If you can’t find something at the wrecking yard worth using, the worst case scenario costs you $2500 for an engine AND transmission with convertor from O’Reilly Auto Parts. So for $3000, plus some odds and ends, so call it $3500, you can be ready to race on an oval track near you! What!?!? And it’s a Camaro not a Camry!!!
Oh yeah, someone buy this. I’ll drive.
Here is what the seller has to say.
For sale 1970 Camaro Stock Car minus engine and transmission. Only 2 races since built. No chassis damage. Some near new parts. 4 spare wheels and tires. $475 Need to sell, moving up.
Call (no text) 714-754-0443
In the UK a car breaker would give you more than that to take it away – which is one way to keep such hunksa Chevy shit from polluting our planet!
Its a shame they did that to a early 2nd Gen Camaro. But hell, why not drive it on the street like that at this point.
Roadkill did with their Challenger so why not? Here in NC, the car is a classic over 35 yrs old, it doesn’t need an inspection!
can you say Lemons Car ….