For years I’ve been saying that I want to get a few buddies together and have each of us buy a $200 car and then go out and thrash it in the dirt. Or on the dragstrip. Or… well you get the point. I’ve even said I wanted to go out and buy one $400 car and then have everyone chip in with parts and pieces to boost or spray the thing to greatness or destruction, or both! Well Richard Dudkowski sent me a couple of video links showing guys having some real fun back in the day, thanks to $200 beaters. It’s no Academy Award winner, but man it will have you laughing and wishing you were these guys. Got bless the woods. These guys are living out the fantasy of being one of the Duke boys.
Check it out.
I miss the days of “off-roading” vehicles that had no business being “off-road.” Nowadays, I have the next best thing – company truck!