Project Binky Is Back! The Creature Comforts Continue. Ultra Trick Speaker And Stereo Mounting Solutions.

Project Binky Is Back! The Creature Comforts Continue. Ultra Trick Speaker And Stereo Mounting Solutions.

When you have a car that is actually called a Mini, it should come as no surprise when normal stuff just doesn’t fit. It doesn’t help matters when you start moving factory stuff around in order to shove twice as many drive tires and jillions of times more horsepower in one like the guys at Bad Obsession are doing with their Mini that is affectionately known as Binky. So when it came time to add the speakers and stereo to Binky, some creativity was involved. And if you have been following this project with us at all, you know that simple and easy are NOT words being used for this build.

This car is bad ass. The fabrication, thought, and ingenuity going into this thing is at a whole other level and when done this car will be worth at tenth of what they have in it just in man hours. But who the hell cares, cause it is going to kick ass and we love it. I mean REALLY love it. This has to be one of our favorite online builds ever.

If you have missed any of the build of this car, you need to go back and watch all the previous episodes. Trust me it is well worth it. So do it.

In the meantime, here’s how Project Binky does stereo.

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