Project Binky Is Back! This All Wheel Drive Mini Will Give EVO’s And More A Run For Their Money

Project Binky Is Back! This All Wheel Drive Mini Will Give EVO’s And More A Run For Their Money

Project Binky Rules. I mean seriously rules. We have every video below so you can check it out if you have never seen one, and you really need to watch. This pair of blokes, they are in the U.K. after all, have built what may end up being the ultimate Mini of all time. Starting out with a rust hulk these two fitted, fixed, and repaired what needed to be done and then proceeded to take a Celica GT Turbo All Wheel Drive car they had lying around and took all the good parts out of it and are sticking them in the Mini. Well they are doing a lot more than that, but that’s the basic thought.

Along the way this car is getting fabrication like most people have never seen before. This car is being built in the monocoque style and is truly being fabricated in every way. There are so many things I’ve learned watching this video that I am going to use in some new projects. It’s truly impressive.

All the previous ten episodes of Project Binky are just below this one which is Episode 11! PLUS BONUS VIDEOS!

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1 thoughts on “Project Binky Is Back! This All Wheel Drive Mini Will Give EVO’s And More A Run For Their Money

  1. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    Great British lunatics at their best!

    The crazy banter and relaxed delivery hides the fact that these two guys are engineers of the first order and would be the pride of any rod shop in the USA!

    But would it not have been simpler to slice the body off the Celica floor pan and then cut and shut it and weld the Mini body on to it?

    Of course it wouldn’t as then there would not have been eleven episodes and more to come of the BEST car show ever!

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